Nepal Day 1- Carlsberg ‘Do the right thing’ campaign

I am back from Nepal!

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This 8 days 7 nights at Nepal traveling up the route to Mt Everest is amazing! Despite the facts that we are there to clean up Everest, picking up the litters, the journey is an eye-opening experience!

With all the photos we have took along the way, more than 10Gb worth of photos from all five of our cameras, I shall let the photos do most of the talking. Though despite whatever I can write and post about it, the photos and words are un-justifiable of the magnitude of the experience. The sherpas living there, their lifestyle, the view of the world as you are standing high up in the mountains; covered with the details of the trees, the breeze in your hair and lullaby of the birds, rapids shimming with the rays from the sun, and on top of all these; looking up you view the magnificent snow-capped mountains surrounding you like heaven really exist.

At Departure in Changi Airport. The 5 of us. 🙂

Taking off!

View as we were landing Kathmandu. Kathmandu is packed with houses side by side of each other as brown as they look in the photo.

Landed in the cool quiet airport of Kathmandu, Nepal.

Greetings by the local Carlsberg staff with Carlsberg Malaysia!

The streets. Bus ride to hotel. It is so different from what we have expected from a country mother to Mt Everest. The whole city is so brown and dirty with litters! People are living in their own dump with animals straying about and food sold on the same dirty floor. The dust from the passing bikes and cars stain the air as citizens covered their nose with their sari. Vehicles just pass each other sometimes on the driving on the opposite road when there are no cars. It is insane on the streets. Making it worst, the riots are on the midst of their demonstration as we passes by.

The hotel lobby! The hotel is like a totally different world from the outside. Outside the cars are everywhere, bikes, litters and animal all about the streets, with constant honking every few seconds. But inside the wall of the hotel, the birds are chirping, the ground are clean with flowers everywhere among the beautiful architecture.

The luxurious garden of Dawarki hotel.

My hotel room for the night!

After lunch and a good shower, we began the work that we are set out to do; the briefing for saving the Mt Everest campaign.

Wongchu Sherpa, president of the Everest Summiteers Association (ESA), together with explaining the purpose of the mission, the history and environmental pollution history of Everest, equip us with the bags and uniform for our journey.

The enormous increase in visitors to the Everest region in recent decades has brought serious strains and severe negative effects on the sensitive environment of Mt. Everest itself as well as along the many popular trails of Sagarmatha/Everest National Park.  Thus the overall goals of the project are to conserve and manage the rich biological diversity of Nepal’s Sagarmatha/Everest National Park. The emphasis is on solid waste management and on supporting and strengthening local communities as the caretakers of biodiversity conservation. Read more at HERE.

With all the preparation and our mix feelings of excitement and anxiety of what is to come next, we head to the old place of Nepal for a welcoming dinner.

Dinner is filled with Dances in between each course. The performances told of the rich culture of Nepal and the different village stories with it. It is an really different experience. The food are more towards the north indian taste, filled with spice. I really like it being a spice lover. However by the end of the whole 2hr+ course we were all more than happy to head back to our beds after the long travel. To be up at 4.30am the next day!