About Me

Hello there,


I am Ziyi also known as Skat3rgalz.

Inline Skater
Driver/Biker Chick
Fitness Enthusiast
Instagram Junkie/ “Photographer”
Full-time Traveler
Active Learner

Ex-National Skater
Seba skater
Fila sponsored Skater
Pageant Queen
Ex Subaru Performance Driver

Freelance Model
Inline Skating Coach
Fitness, Health and Travel Blogger
Private and Performance Chauffeur Driver
Photo Imaging and Graphic Designer
Fine Artist, Illustrator

Contact me at ziyikuek@gmail.com to engage me for any of my services.

View more at http://www.facebook.com/ziyikuek


My reason for starting this blog!

To sharing my Joys in Life and an attempt to create a platform to give Singapore’s Sport the much needed Publicity!

I hope I can help bringing in more attention to the Sporting scenes in Singapore. Hopefully being once an International competitor Inline skating athlete with my media attention from being a model will aid to bring in more exposure.

A Journal to jot down the Journey of Pursuing my Dreams! and hope that it will be of a positive influencing factor to everyone pursing theirs!

To believe that our Dreams do come true!

My Dream

I hope to use my abilities to contribute to the World and its community, to make my stay on earth a contributing meaningful one! My Vision would be to see everyone coming together with a much greater power; sharing resources, conserve, contributing, to be more mindful of our society and environment.
A better World! 🙂